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What Are Online Reputation Management Services And Why Does It Matter?

Online Reputation Management Services

The trust and recognition that brands or companies generate online are vital elements of digital marketing.

Regardless of whether your company is recent or has been in the market for a long time, reputation management services are something you should pay attention to if you are looking to generate strategies that translate into an increase in your customer base.

Why are reputation management services relevant?

60% of consumers affirm that they move away from a brand if they find a majority of negative comments and 17% of consumers are suspicious if they do not find reviews or a trace of your buyers. This is why you should focus on creating and improving your online reputation.

In addition, good online reputation management services will improve the dissemination of information about your services or products or, in other words: it will enhance any digital marketing strategy you plan.

Another reason why it is important to take care of online reputation management services has to do with the SEO that your brand obtains in search engines. A brand with a good reputation tends to position itself in the first places in its field, not only in the minds of consumers but also in internet search engines. This is only achieved if your reputation is good online too.

The relationship between your brand and your online reputation

The relationship between your brand and digital reputation is created by your consumers or clients and your consumer. When creating a digital marketing strategy you can improve your results if you first make your brand name and your products known.

Sometimes, the support of influencers is sought to achieve this, but most of the time what inspires confidence in new consumers is the recommendation of people who feel really close. Although influencers are usually trustworthy people, reading multiple positive comments from people who are not known online can be more genuine than a review from an influencer who made an alliance with a brand.

Where does the online reputation management services reflected?

With our example, we have already addressed several of the places where online reputation management services are reflected. One of them is on social media. In addition to networks, we also find web pages that have their own domain and also in search engines such as Google, which allows users with an account to rate and write a review. The latter happens especially when it comes to brands with their own stores.

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